Click on the report cover images or links below to access copies of our latest research reports.


Black Education in the Wake of COVID-19 & Systemic Racism

Learn more about the impact of COVID-19 and systemic racism on Black education nationally supported by a series of briefs focused on Washington, D.C, Atlanta, GA, and New York City.


Developing a Black Studies Curriculum for New York City Schools

In partnership with the United Way of New York City, Eagle Academy Foundation, Black Edfluencers-United, and Association of Black Educators of New York, BERC is leading the development of an interdisciplinary PK-12 Black studies curriculum and professional learning plan for the New York City schools and assessing educational equity in NYC with a focus on the implications for Black students, families, educators, and communities.


On the History and Education of Peoples of African Descent in the U.S. and Caribbean, 1920-2020

Inspired by the continued scholarly and intellectual contributions of Professor Edmund W. Gordon, Founding Director of the Gordon Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, as part of TC’s Centennial Celebration of his extraordinary life and career, this edited book-to-be seeks to deepen, enrich, and advance a theory and/or philosophy of Black education that is both foundational and reflexive in its approach and contributions as they relate to the study of the education of peoples of African descent.